Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020


A brand new month has begun! Today was a good day at work. It was slow for the most part, but I got a lot done and my coworker and I went over a few things we needed to fine tune. Sometimes it's hard when she starts the day in the transcripts desk, and then I take over. Lots of conversations I'm coming halfway into. It just takes communication. A lot of it!

I was able to leave early enough to get home around 4pm, so I logged on from home for the last hour of the day. I'm going in tomorrow, but unless it blows up, I'm probably going to go home early. My foot is doing better and I really want to start walking again but I know I need to take it easy. Today I accidentally smashed my knee on the edge of the desk at work. It hurt so much for a while! All the way up to my hip! It's better now, a little stiff. Walking might actually be good for it, to help keep it from stiffening up. We'll see. I'm also really enjoying reading on the lanai after I log out of work. I usually do a chapter of my antiracism reading and then a chapter of Roots. It's a long book, so it'll take me a long time to get through it.

I got something fun in the mail today. The official ElfQuest twitter was promoting their masks on their Redbubble page and it wasn't that bad of a price, so I had to get one. I've been rereading the comics this summer and I'm an EQ fan now and forever, so I had to get the mask!

Tonight's dinner was a creative way to use up stuff from the fridge. I had some Polish sausages, the last of a jar of sauerkraut, some sour cream, and a portion of fresh pappardelle pasta to use up, so I cut and fried the sausages, threw in the drained sauerkraut, sour cream, and some of the pasta water and made a sauce for the cooked pasta. It wasn't half bad, really! We're doing one of our curry packets tomorrow with potatoes, chicken, and coconut milk. It should be pretty tasty and will have leftovers for Thursday too.

Punky Brewster reruns tonight.

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