Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Saturday, September 12, 2020


Well, the zoo announced it was closing last night, and we already cancelled the family gathering for tonight, so I have no plans when I woke up, except that I had promised to make a pancake breakfast. I woke up at 5am, choking and stuffed up and it took till about 6:30am before I could get back to sleep. I read in bed for a while, but was able to finally breathe again. I woke up around 9am and the first thing I saw was weird yellow coming through the slats of my bedroom shades. I looked out the window and it was really terrifying to see the smoke and sickly yellow and nothing else. It actually made me feel a little panicky, like on an instinctive level.

We stayed inside all day. Did not open the doors or windows, never left the apartment. My sister hooked up her AC to the window in the living room and we taped the open bits with packing tape to minimize what comes inside. I eventually brought out my humidifier because the AC was drying out the place. It was drying out our throats and making us cough. It's better now.

We had a movie marathon today. We watched the animated Alice in Wonderland and followed it up with the live action Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass. Then it was the animated Peter Pan followed by the live action Peter Pan. We tried to track down Hook but we don't own it and it's not on any of the streaming services we have, so that wasn't an option. Tonight we're finally starting a Harry Potter rewatch with the first movie.

I actually ate home food all three meals on a Saturday. What a record! Pancakes, sausages, and scrambled eggs for breakfast. I put raspberries in the pancake batter and it was delish. There's more batter so we'll finish it up tomorrow for breakfast. Lunch was a tv dinner. Dinner was the very fancy English muffin pizzas which turned out to be really good! I had frozen Tablespoons of tomato paste and then forgotten I'd done so, when I unearthed it in my efforts to work on the freezers this week. I thawed some and doctored it up and it worked just fine. I had the dried oregano from my garden and it was perfect!

One fun thing happened today. Ancestry.com finally put out their annual updates which I have been waiting since the beginning of August for. Better late than never! No new nationalities/ethnicities, but they were able to refine the numbers more. They're better able to distinguish Irish from Scottish, Norwegian from Swedish, and English/NW European from the other nations that make up those locations, so my percentages changed. My English went down and my Scottish and Irish went up. My Norwegian went down and my Swedish went up. My African nations stayed the same.

Tomorrow will be more movies and eating at home, though I may venture out to take the garbage/compost/recycling out. We'll see though. I don't know what tomorrow will be like, smoke-wise. It's dark now and it feels normal when I can't see the smoke anymore...

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