Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Friday, September 18, 2020


Worked from home today. It had some busy moments but for the most part it was slow. I spent the day watching The Golden Girls, Home and Family on Hallmark, and Call the Midwife on Netflix. I cleaned my toilet, and also picked all the lavender buds off the three bunches my parents gave me from their garden. It's a good thing I went through it carefully cuz one bunch had a spider web blob in it, and another had half a dead bee in it. The stinger half! I have a sachet that has old lavender in it, so I tossed that and replaced it with the newer buds. I had one bunch leftover and nothing to put it in, so when we went to Fred Meyer tonight to do our shopping there, I picked out a decorative bowl and it's now on my cupboard with my teacups with the buds in it and it looks really nice there.

The bad part of the day was RBG's passing. It's such a conflict. I want to mourn, but I need to fight. We need to fight, the GOP will not take a moment to be decent. Our nation is in peril, women and people of color are in peril, and we cannot sit back and wait. We can mourn her when the battle is over and our nation is secured. This is just so terrible. I'm scared.

Fred Meyer shopping, then Heaven Sent fried chicken for dinner. The Office tonight. Not quite sure yet about weekend plans, but it finally started raining and the air quality numbers are getting better with each passing hour. I may be able to go out with just a regular mask and not my N95 mask. Probably more Disney movies this weekend. Two more HP movies, for sure.

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