Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


I think today was the record for the shortest turnaround time for leaving the office to finish the day at home. I left around 11am today! There were only a few things to be done this morning and then I headed home and finished the day working remotely. A new season of Home and Family started on the Hallmark channel and I had no idea how much that show has grown on me until they stopped airing it when they ran out of reruns to show. They have figured out how to do it with social distancing and it's delightful. After that I watched several episodes of Call the Midwife and finished out the third season. I tried to help with the front desk in the afternoon but there was a lot that I had to pass onto my coworker for various reasons because I don't have the authority to make certain calls, and apparently all those scenarios came through this afternoon.

The Home and Family show had a gardening segment, coincidentally, about tomatoes still on the vine that are still green this time of year, and how to get them to ripen. My tomato plant just happens to be in the situation, so I listened very carefully and after logging off of work for the day, I used scissors and cut off all the stems and leaves that don't have tomatoes attached to it. That is supposed to divert the rest of the plant's energy to the tomatoes so they'll ripen faster. I accidentally cut off one of the branches that had three tomatoes, so I had to use the fourth option the gardener mentioned, which is to stick them in a paper bag with an apple. The apple is a gas-releaser and the gas should activate the tomatoes. Hopefully between these two, I'll finally get my tomatoes to ripen. Two or three of them actually finally started this week. I'm guessing it was from all the crap in the air, because we definitely haven't gotten any sun this week. I figure all the smoke probably has some of the gasses in it that activate the tomatoes. Good that we're all breathing this stuff in, huh...! I will make sure to add tomato updates as time goes by.

Steamed potatoes, green beans, and ham for dinner. Leftovers for tomorrow. The Office and Parks and Recreation, and now Punky Brewster tonight.

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