Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Saturday, March 13, 2021


Today started off with a French toast and sausage breakfast. We used up the rest of some drying out bread that was only good for toast, so it was perfect. We settled in to finish out the season of the new Punky Brewster and it's just so perfect. Punky Brewster was a big part of my childhood, a really important part of it, so it's been such a joy to see what she's been up to since the show originally ended. I really hope we get a second season!

After the show ended, we went for a short walk down to the library where we picked up some books and movies. This time I picked up stuff that was on-hand, not things I had on hold. They post pictures of books they have available for immediate check out and there's been one by Chef Marcus Samuelsson that I have looked at whenever I pass by and I finally decided to check it out. We then stopped by Panda Express where I picked up some lunch before we walked home again. It was a good, short outing and we went slowly enough that I didn't have any breathing problems during or after.

Once we were home for good for the day, we did the binge-watch of WandaVision. It's so good! During that, I picked out my spring and summer cooking project recipes. I figure with the Christmas and bread project going so well, I might as well keep it going through the year.

Dinner was leftovers from Azteca. When WandaVision was over, we switched over to Supernatural for the night. We discussed doing an MCU rewatch, and this time I was ok doing a chronological watch, so I found a list online that has all the movies and all the shows in chronological order. Tomorrow we'll watch Captain America, and maybe even start in with some Agent Carter. Next Friday we'll be starting Falcon and the Winter Soldier as it airs, so it'll be nice to watch something with Bucky in it at least, before then.

Lots of cooking and baking tomorrow. And a trip up the hill to the grocery store. I need ingredients before I can make anything, so hopefully we'll go earlier in the morning, rather than later. And hopefully a good night's sleep tonight, if possible. We spring forward, which is no fun...!

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