Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

STFAH: Day 31

Today started with good news. I emailed my boss some of my thoughts last night and he called me first thing this morning to talk. We're a small office, we had a total of five employees, but one of us got a job at the end of March and is moving on, so now we're four. Since we had so few people, they told us they were going to continue paying our paychecks and healthcare for the month of April and then would temporarily lay us off so we could gather unemployment and get on the ACA. Today my boss told me that they really want to make sure they retain me so they're going to actually continue to pay me and fund my healthcare for all of May as well! In theory, the state stay at home order may be rescinded towards the end of May and if we see an uptick in work coming in, I may be able to go back to work. If I'm lucky I won't have an interruption in income and healthcare. I am very aware of how lucky I am and have been counting my blessings many times a day and will continue to do so!

Because of my good luck, I felt a little more comfortable using some of my stimulus check to help out something I wanted to help with for a while now but was feeling a little unsure of spending too much money. But because I'm feeling more secure, I went ahead and made a donation to the Woodland Park Zoo to help them stay afloat until they can open again. I really miss going there and I hope that all the animals and employees make it through this unscathed.

In around-the-house things, I did my usual "new normal" routine of watching some stuff on Youtube before switching to a couple Black Lightning episodes and then onto my movie. I hung up two more pictures, organized my candy box, managed to do some writing, and read while elevating my foot for a while. My foot is having a really good day pain-wise but I didn't do the treadmill to make sure I don't get back into using it too much too soon like I tend to do. I really don't want to re-injure myself.

On the sourdough starter front, I tried a new tactic. I heated up a pan of water, not too hot, and set it in to warm it up and jumpstart the fermentation. I also added a bunch of flour to it since it's too thin and runny right now. Hopefully both of those will help and maybe this weekend or next week it'll be ready for making a loaf of bread. It's been really cold these last few days and it's wet today and supposed to be wet the rest of the weekend so that's probably affecting it too.

Today's Alphabet Movie letter was M, and I choose 2016's Moonlight.
I thought it was pretty good. Heartbreaking. Artistic. Naomi Harris was great, but I have to say that for all the awards Mahershala Ali won for this movie, I thought he'd be in the film more than he was. I see why he won though, the particular scene that was "the" scene for him was fantastic. He just kind of disappeared a third of the way into it never to be seen again. I felt like he deserved to have more screen time. And also Janelle Monae. She just needs to be in everything. I'm pretty sure I heard her voice in some of the songs though, like she did for Hidden Figures. I'm excited that Netflix has some of these big name movies available. It's been fun finally seeing them!

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