Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

STFAH: Day 30

Today was a pretty good day. I spent the morning watching Youtube videos and making a separate folder to put podcasts to try some day down the road. I finished out season one in my Black Lightning rewatch on Netflix. I prepared the rest of the roast chicken for tacos tonight and tomorrow and used the leftover potatoes, some veggies, and the chicken juices, along with the chicken bones, to make a bowl of soup to go with my lunch. It was quite tasty, as were tonight's tacos. And I get to enjoy a repeat tomorrow night too!

I managed a bit of writing today, which I'm really happy about. But what was really exciting, was walking on the treadmill finally. My sprained foot is getting to the point where it has good days and bad days instead of just bad days. On the good days, I'm going to do short amounts of time at slow speeds to do a bit of rehab for my foot. I did 10 minutes and walked a third of a mile! Normally I'd do that in my sleep pretty much, but now it's a big deal! I still have to elevate my foot at night, I learned that the hard way the other day which is why I couldn't use the treadmill yesterday. My plan is to start with every other day for a couple weeks, and I think I need to switch to my other shoes because the ones I normally use for the treadmill because the shoe laces hit my foot in a different set of places and caused my foot to hurt more when I was done. I've been doing really well in my other shoes, so that seems like an easy solution.

Today's Alphabet Movie letter was L, and I chose La Bamba, from 1987.
This was actually a pretty good movie, and I learned a lot of things today. First: Lou Diamond Phillips is actually Filipino-American, not Latinx!. Did you know this? Second: Ritchie Valens was on the plane with Buddy Holly when it crashed, along with a third musician as well. Third: "The day the music died," the line referenced in the song American Pie wasn't just a cool line, it's actually what that event was called. Everybody talks about Buddy Holly in the song, but they never refer to anybody else. That kinda sucks. But I definitely recommend this movie. It's a pretty classic biopic.

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