Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

STFAH: Day 16

So, my foot has been so swollen lately I tried a pair of my sister's compression stockings that she got after leg surgery a few year ago. I tried last night but my foot was too swollen to get the sock on. This morning I was able to get it on. It's still swollen but I was able to move my foot and toe with less pain than even yesterday, so I guess it was worth looking like a little old lady!

Today I was sort of headachy, I should have taken a sudafed, but I didn't. I hate spring time sinus pressure! I felt less "up and at 'em" than yesterday, but still got up at my normal time, ate breakfast, and managed to write quite a bit more than I thought I'd be able to manage. I also tried to figure out how and where to hang our pictures, unsuccessfully, but did hang my Disney calendar in my room. I did a load of dishes by hand, took out the garbage, got the mail, and cleaned my bathroom before reading and elevating my legs for a while. No exercises today, but I did find a youtube video to try out soon.

The highlight of the day was probably my Alphabet Movie. Today's letter was B, and I was actually surprised at how difficult it was to find a movie that starts with B! Or that was at least available on Netflix. Anyway, I ended up with this fine piece of cinema:
Baahubali, from 2015, subtitled, from India. I knew absolutely nothing about this going into it. This movie was epic! It has everything! Kickass women, brawny, Thor-like main characters, a Lord of the Rings battle sequence complete with a racially-questionable set of baddies that made you vaguely unsure if it was blatantly racist or not(I think it sort of was...), and just the right amount of dance and music sequences you'd want to be in a Thor meets Lord of the Rings mash-up. This is the first half of the story, and it really does end right in the middle of the story! I have to see if I can track down part two cuz I gotta see how this one ends!

Leftover Greek Chicken Grain Salad for dinner with peanut butter cookies AND yellow cake for dessert. I'm eating two desserts. No apologies!

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