Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

STFAH: Day 18

Low-key, lazy day today. I didn't really achieve anything. I divided my sourdough starter up last night and refrigerated both parts, and today they had receded a bit, but I fed them and now the one in the jar at least is doing better. The other one is in a metal bowl because I don't have another jar. I'm going to try to give it to my parents so they can make stuff too, but we'll see if it survives. It doesn't seem as strong as the one in the jar, for some reason.

Only managed a couple paragraphs writing today, wasn't really feeling it. But I got something on paper, so that counts. I did write an email just now, though, to WA State Secretary Kim Wyman, who happens to be a Republican, but also happens to be the one who set up our vote-by-mail system and defended it against Donald Trump's fake fears about voting by mail. He just wants to discourage making voting easier because if that happened, more people would vote. But other people are concerned about things like how a vote will be counted, or how voting by mail will happen if the USPS collapses like people have been talking about lately. So, I emailed her to ask about it. I would like to think our state has a plan for how to continue voting by mail in a time when the USPS is no longer functioning. And I also wanted to know if our state is unique in the drop boxes we also use. If I knew those things, I could help explain to people better why voting by mail is nothing to be afraid of. We'll see if I get any response. It would be cool if I heard back though!

Did some walking outside to exercise my foot, but I might be doing too much too soon, according to my sister. My foot is still in quite a bit of pain and I limp, even with the shoes on. Maybe I'm not ready yet. But it was soooo warm and pretty out! I came back, took a shower, and rested my foot and read in bed with the window curtain open and the actual window open. This was the first time it was warm enough to do that. It was glorious!

Today's Alphabet Movies letter was D, and the movie I chose was The Dirty Dozen, from 1967. This is I think a pretty well-known movie. I thought it was the one where they dig their way out of a POW camp or something, but it was not. I was actually kind of disappointed in this one. I found it didn't really capture me, and it was kind of boring, except for the last 20 or so minutes. There wasn't much character growth or exploration, and for the premise of the movie, I felt the execution was really slow and plodding. I don't know if it's because it was sort of a drama and sort of a comedy and it should have been entirely one or the other, or what. I can't quite explain it, but I did not care for this one, sadly. We'll see what I can find for E tomorrow!

Leftovers from last night for dinner. We decided we'll call in an order from Azteca tomorrow!!

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