Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Monday, April 20, 2020

STFAH: Day 29

Today was a pretty good day. I put up the magnets from our fridge and freezers at the old place and arranged the artwork where we want to put it once we get the stuff to hang it with. We're trying to use Command Strips instead of nailing anything into the walls. Those didn't exist when we moved in to our old place, but they do now and I think they're one of the best newer inventions I can think of! I hung up my picture set of Snow White photos, as well as the one toy and her collar that I saved. And I did manage to vacuum. It's definitely starting to feel more organized and more like home. I also got the dishes under control so the kitchen looks better too.

I watched a few things on Youtube, watched a couple episodes of Black Lightning on Netflix, watched my Alphabet Movie(more on that later), and read while elevating my foot for a while. I even managed a bit of writing. Sadly, my foot was in pain today so I did not do the treadmill. Every day will be different. Some days it'll hurt more, some days less, so I'll treat my walking/rehab appropriately.

I got a few items in the mail today. I ordered some stuff from my "hobbies to try" list that weren't too expensive that I could have on hand when I wanted to try them out. I am now the proud owner of a package of origami paper, a sudoku book, and a set of water color paints. I have some special paper coming in a while too. I thought it would be a fun idea to illustrate my book!

So, today's Alphabet Movie letter was K, and I chose 2004's classic movie, Kung Fu Hustle.
It's subtitled, a satire, and pretty funny. It's exactly what you think a movie called Kung Fu Hustle would be like. If you want a silly movie that pokes fun at the other movies in this genre, you will enjoy this one!

I'm still trying to get my sourdough starter ready for making bread later this week. I feel like it's not doing much and I might leave it out of the fridge for a couple days to let it stay warm enough to start fermenting again. I finally let it sit in the window for a while with the window open in hopes of it sucking up some outdoor yeasts. Maybe it'll help stimulate it. I fed it straight flour last night so that should help eventually.

The rest of the roast chicken from tonight's leftovers will be turned into soup and tacos! Taco Tuesday tomorrow!

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