Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

STFAH: Day 17

Today I made some really amazing progress with the sourdough starter. It was finally starting to bubble and there was liquid on the top, which I have since learned is referred to as "hooch". I used a wooden skewer to stir it back in, but apparently you can also pour it off if you want. I found some better heat sources today and have been keeping it by the warmth as much as possible. And I finally fed it a slurry of 2 Tbsp. flour and 2 Tbsp. water. I can definitely smell something more than just paste, but it's not overly yeasty like a traditional bread made with dried yeast. That might still develop, but with natural yeast, it'll be very unique. I'm going to give some of the extra starter once I get enough, to my parents so they can have fun with sourdough products too!

I talked with my dad on the phone for a bit today. During that time, I saw a squirrel in the tree outside our window chowing down on the leaf buds like he was going to starve to death. It was cute.

I only did a little writing, and I reread a bit of my first chapter and did some editing, but I felt a little scattered and couldn't concentrate too much.

I had a bit of a breakthrough in the sprained foot department too. I was finally able to put my shoe on without excruciating pain! I also ventured out of the apartment building and walked around the dead end, very slowly, to exercise my foot. The left side of my ankle is really weak after 2.5 weeks of walking on the right side of my foot. I have a bit of work to do to get back up to snuff. When I came back to the apartment, I borrowed one of my sister's ace bandages and wrapped up the fat part of my foot that's been stubbornly retaining water and not releasing it, no matter how much I elevated it. Ace bandage plus elevation definitely did the trick because my foot is way less swollen tonight. I'm going to keep all of this up and hopefully I'll be back to normal in the next couple weeks!

Today's letter was C for my Alphabet Movies series. I selected a movie called Cookie's Fortune, from 1999, that had an amazing cast but somehow I'd managed to never even hear of!
It's a dark comedy with quite a few twists and turns. And coincidentally, it takes place at Easter! So, I timed it pretty well! It's definitely not a happy fun Easter movie, so don't watch it expecting it to be about bunnies and eggs, or you will be disappointed!

Tonight's dinner will be Jamaican Jerk-seasoned chicken that I mixed with an oil-lime juice based to which I added a couple teaspoons of sorghum syrup. I was afraid it would be too spicy and wanted something sweet to cut it a little. Rice and green beans will accompany.

Not a terribly productive day, but a good day, and that's all that matters.

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