Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Friday, April 10, 2020

STFAH: Day 19

Well, today was quite the grand adventure! One of my Wayfair orders arrived so I took out a bag of recycling and then got the package downstairs. It was my bamboo bathroom accessory set. It's so cute! I didn't want to get a new one, but the one I bought, which was also so cute and was the impetus behind my Golden Girls-themed bathroom started to leach glaze into the soap so I got nervous about that happening with the drinking cup so I sadly had to toss the entire set. The bamboo set won't leach anything, and is a sustainable resource, so that's good.

We went out this afternoon to my parents' house to drop off some stuff, including the half of the sourdough starter I poured off the other day. We'll see if it works for them. We picked up a few things and then drove to the Grocery Outlet around the corner from our apartment. I was able to get pretty much all the fruits and veggies I needed for the next couple weeks. This was the first time I encountered a grouchy customer and an even grouchier cashier, but times are tough and while I think the customer needed to build a bridge and get over his issue, I take no issue with the cashier. She's working a life and death job at the moment and enduring incredible amounts of stress for probably minimum wage. I commend her for not walking off the job, tbh. Then we went home and unpacked and ordered out Azteca dinner which turned out to be freaking fantastic! We left a big tip, and will be back cuz it's been waaaaaaay too long since we've had Azteca. Years. And I have leftovers for dinner tomorrow. Woohoo!

Not much writing, just a few lines, but words on the page, no matter how many or how few, is a victory in these times. Today's movie was a huge success though!
The Edge of Seventeen, from 2016. I'd never heard of it before now and it was really good! I guess you could call it a comedy, but I'd call it more like a dramedy, along the lines of The Breakfast Club. Surprisingly deep at times. Even though Blake Jenner is in it, and he's cancelled, I didn't let him ruin a great movie experience. I highly recommend this one. My sister has Monday and Tuesday off work so I may not be able to do the Alphabet Movie series till Wednesday. We'll see.

It's Easter weekend, and my big plan for the weekend is movie-watching and cooking/baking. Ham and au gratin potatoes and I managed to snag some fresh asparagus at the store so I get to have that instead of canned green beans. If my sourdough starter is ready I might try to make biscuits with it. If not, we have refrigerator biscuits to use. And I'm making an apple pie with my dad's recipe. We'll see how it turns out, especially if I put the wilting grapes in it too to use them up...!

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