Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Thursday, November 5, 2020


It was another full day at the office today. It was bonkers and I had to leave some stuff for my coworker to do when she comes in tomorrow, and some stuff in the in-box to work on tomorrow. My coworker is back from her vacation, so she'll be able to help a bit more. It's been a hard week mostly on my own, so I'm very much looking forward to working from home tomorrow!

I've been having some asthma and sinus issues this week. Tis the season, sadly, but I find that wearing a mask all the time is not helping. I think when I'm in the office by myself, I might leave the mask off. And possibly when there's only one other person in the office and they're in the far room with the door closed. I think those might be ok times to leave the mask off. I just struggle to breathe so badly when I wear it all day. We'll see.

I stopped by both post offices after leaving work and hit pay dirt. I snagged a giant stack of envelopes to bring in on Monday. We'll be set until our supply orders finally show up. I've been having to leave stuff waiting for mailing because we are so low on our envelope supplies so far. I feel relieved and maybe I can stop raiding the post office like a nerd every day.

Frozen pizza for dinner tonight and my sister and I decided we're getting Heaven Sent fried chicken tomorrow night regardless of the election results, being updated or not. This week has been absurd and we definitely have earned some deliciousness tomorrow! We might also do our grocery shopping tomorrow night so we don't have to out on the weekend. We finished the Home Improvement Christmas episodes, now it's time for Hallmark Christmas movies till bed!

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