Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Friday, May 29, 2020

STFAH: Day 68

Today was a much better day, headache-wise. Luckily it was just a one-day deal yesterday and I was fine today. I didn't work on any writing like I had hoped, but we focused on Twin Peaks. We're actually going to finish it tonight and that'll be the end of the rewatch! We'll probably focus on our Charmed and Disney movie rewatch next. Tomorrow we go shopping, and I'm trying to figure out a menu for the next couple weeks, including the stuff I want to make from the cookbooks I want to try in the next couple weeks, all while not knowing when I'll be at work, or not. I need to inventory the fridge to see what I'm running low on.

I think the highlight of the day was the walk my sister and I went on this early afternoon. We went a different route that my sister discovered some time ago, but I haven't been able to go with her with my foot recovering till now. I had to take a lot more pictures than just my one, so enjoy the whole set! Also, we met the man in the house with the flowers, he just moved in today and was very friendly!

It's hard to tell, but the last three pictures have the moon in them! The sky was so beautiful today, and the clouds changed so much through the course of the walk. It was hot too! But it felt so good. We also stopped and talked for a couple minutes with an adorable older couple and their dog. We were in the street, they were on the sidewalk and we all had masks. The one thing about this time that I'm noticing is that it really is bringing people out of their shells. We're talking and waving to each other more than we ever have before, because it's really the only interaction we have with each other now. It's something I hope we keep up even after this ends.

When we came back, I found a movie at random to try out. Imagine That, a family and kids movie.
This one was ok, it was cute. I think the big drawback is one of the main characters is supposedly Native American, but is played by a white actor and does incredibly offensive things through the whole film. There is a payoff at the end that explains it, but the idea that kids could be exposed to really bad stereotypes through the whole thing and not quite understand the payoff that explains it away means it's not necessarily a good one for kids who are impressionable. But it has the oldest daughter from Blackish in it, and it's fun to see her so much younger. She's really good in this!

Leftovers tonight for dinner, very tasty. I still have some left for breakfast or lunch tomorrow probably. Cool breeze tonight. I'll probably wrap up in my blanket soon...

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