Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

STFAH: Day 53

Today was a change in venue. I got up super early and went with my sister to her preschool, where I sat in an empty classroom all day, with a dining room chair, a tv tray, and a laptop. I also had a fridge, which was nice, and a bathroom right next door, which was also nice. I had no tv, though, which was rough. But the good news is, I got a lot of typing done because I had no tv or social media to access. I watched some stuff on youtube, but not the whole day. I feel like I did pretty well, overall, but it did feel strange to be in a space that was inhabited by other people. I've been in my own living space, with my own bathroom, since we shut down, so the idea of sharing space with others, even in passing, was just a bit nerve-wracking. I took a good shower tonight!

I've been slowly writing a chapter from my book that I realized as I was editing it, needed to be there. It's been hard to be creative during the self-quarantining because I have very little outside world interaction to stimulate me. And I generally dislike typing up what I've written by hand, but since I was essentially a captive today, I took advantage of it and got a lot of typing done. I still have a few pages to type up, but I'll be able to live-write the rest of the chapter next week if I get the rest done tomorrow.

We tried to get sandwiches on the way home, but they weren't answering their phone, so we ended up picking up Taco Time instead. I made sure to get stuff I could eat cold and/or reheat later so I could go on my walk. The chair I sat in was really cramped and I needed to walk around for a bit. Even though I had to walk up and down stairs today, I seem to be ok, footwise. My left knee was in a bit of pain this evening, but not at the moment. Hopefully it was just a fleeting pain.

I took two pictures on my walk, one was supposed to be the picture of the day, but then a giant dragonfly flew past me and landed in the grass nearby so I had to get a picture of it too. So, you get two pictures of my walk today. Since I didn't want a movie and I don't have a picture of that, this will make up for it. Enjoy!

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