Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

STFAH: Day 60

Today started with me lounging in bed and finishing the book I've been reading. When I got up and got ready, I watched the Supergirl finale which I managed to not catch when it first aired. I tried to watch the Council of Dads episodes I missed but it wasn't set up quite to watch it through On Demand so I might try to track them down online soon, if possible.

I emailed my boss this morning which I've been doing about ten days before the end of the month, just to catch up and see what's planned for the next month. He called me back and we chatted for a while. My coworker who has been working remotely and coming into the office occasionally to do certain things, is going on vacation in July, so they want me to start coming back next month on a part time basis to retrain in my job(it'll be almost 3 months when I'm back! I'll be rusty) I also need to finish training in the position the other woman did before she got a new job. I was about half trained in what she does, but I'll be finishing up that training too. Since we've got a lot less coming in, I'll cover everybody in July, which will be awesome! Apparently we're up to 4 Zoom accounts to get everybody up and going. Nobody's doing in-person depositions right now. I am so ready to go back and get into a bit of a routine again. I have to wear a mask on the bus and to get into the building, which was already my plan. I will probably not leave the office once I'm there, except to go to the restroom which is down the hall from us. Breaks and lunches will be taken in my office. Fortunately all of our offices have doors that we can keep closed and are big enough that we can easily continue to social distance. There are apparently some big advantages to working in an office of five, that is now and office of four! I miss everybody.

Twitter was interesting today. I engaged in an epic take-down of a Karen who decided she needed to use the n-word on somebody's thread. I called her out on it and she proceeded to have a gigantic meltdown in front of the world's eyes. The OP, a man fighting white supremacy, took a screencap of her post and rt'd it, and in the midst of everybody reporting everybody else, he ended up being sent to Twitter jail, which is so unbelievably unfair because the person who used the n-word, had no consequences. It was just another example of white supremacy that we need to fight.

Today's walk was cut short. I wanted to do my usual walk and take the book I finished to drop off at the little library in our neighborhood, but I only got about halfway before the rain turned to a downpour and lightning. I immediately turned around and came back home. I was soaking wet by the time I arrived.
Just a typical beautiful rainy day in Seattle!

Today's movie was disappointing. 6 Years, which didn't keep my attention that much, and what did was both boring and upsetting. Two college students dealing with their abusive relationship that really should just have ended. I didn't really care for this one.

Grain salad with Greek salad dressing and ingredients. Tuna packet for protein. Not bad. I ran across an idea I'm going to run with for tomorrow's dinner. Potsticker stir-fry. Should be tasty. I'll report on it tomorrow.

In other interesting news: I finished the "easy" section of sudoku puzzles from my book and graduated into the "moderate" section. Definitely harder, but I'm enjoying the challenge. I'm glad I didn't give up too soon on sudoku, because it's really awesome!

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