Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Friday, May 15, 2020

STFAH: Day 54

Well, today was a pretty productive day, if you mean the amount of stuff I watched on Netflix today. I finished out my Black Lightning rewatch, sadly. It's such a great show and even if you've seen it, I highly recommend a rewatch. There is so much I didn't notice or catch the first time. I forgot to watch anything on Youtube, but I did watch my hour of The Golden Girls to start the day. After Black Lightning, I decided to find something on my to-watch Netflix list and finally watched Always Be My Maybe, which I thought was a series, but turns out it was a movie. It was really good and I really enjoyed it. Highly recommend.
Then it was onto a movie with 2 in it somehow. I saw that they had The Secret Life of Pets 2, but figured my sister would want to watch that with me, so I looked for something else that was a sequel to something I'd already seen. I went with Jarhead 2. It wasn't that good, but it wasn't completely abysmal. If I'd known it was direct-to-video, I would have skipped it. I'm trying to stick with theatrical releases.
Then I turned off the tv for a while and finished out my typing. Now I'm ready to live-write the rest of the chapter starting next week. I'm excited that I'm already at 14 pages before I even get to that part, so I'm great on chapter length.

Another thing I worked on today and spent a lot of time thinking about, is a possible project I might work on. I'm not sure if I'll just do it on my own for myself, or if I'll document it on my food blog, or maybe just mention it in these posts whenever I do it, but I made a list of all the cookbooks I own and turned it into a spreadsheet, separated by theme. I was thinking that each week I could make at least one recipe from one of the cookbooks until I've tried out every cookbook I own. I own 86 cookbooks...If I do this, it'll be about 1.5 years before I complete it. Doing it in the middle of a pandemic when I only go to the grocery story every other week, in the midst of food shortages, might not be the best of timing. But it's something to do. Something to plan and look forward to. I don't know for sure yet, so no promises.

I went on my daily walk after finishing typing. I went a different way, trying to see if the German coffeeshop/bakery was still open by the time I walked past it, but they were closed. It was a different direction than I normally go, right on Lake City Way. It was narrow and too many people to properly social distance, so I won't go that way anymore except early in the day when there's less people around. I really like their pretzels and they said they have access to flour and yeast that stores don't, so I might be able to get some yeast finally, which will be important if I undertake the above cookbook project. It's not as pretty a walk either, but I did manage to see a few pretty things along the way.
The camera doesn't do the purple of the flowers justice.

Tonight is movie night, so I was able to make up for Jarhead 2 with The Secret Life of Pets 2, which turns out my sister did want to watch. It was really cute! Loved it!
And now we're watching Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse, which is something I've wanted to watch for a long time but haven't had a chance to see yet. And it has an actor from Black Lightning doing one of the voices, so it connects back to my Black Lighting rewatch too!
Leftover chicken and pierogies for dinner, which didn't reheat well, but I downed 2/3 of a back of cheddar Goldfish beforehand, so it's all good.

No big plans for tomorrow, mostly movies and possibly starting our Twin Peaks rewatch. Only on the weekends though, cuz it's too creepy for nights!

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