Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

SFTAH: Day 59

Nothing terribly exciting happened today. I did my usual watching stuff and reorganized some stuff on the floor. Moved some things around. The walkway from the main entrance past my desk area is clearer which I really like. I plan to vacuum and dust tomorrow.

I'm getting anxious about June and my employment situation. I might reach out to my boss in the next couple days to see what the plan is. If my situation is changing I might need to sign up for Apple Health Care as I'll need to renew my prescriptions for the year next month and will need access to healthcare for that. My work has been very generous so far, and I don't know if our county will get the go-ahead to move into Phase 2 starting next month or if we'll have to stay home longer. I don't know if there will be any work for me to do yet. So many unknowns right now.

I haven't written this week, I've been putting off the live-writing, maybe because it's supposed to be a hunt scene and I don't really want to write that? But not writing it feels like a cop-out. My character has spent weeks practicing for and worrying about this hunt. I can't just write it off-page and say "it went well, he did this and that, the end." I just need to do it, is all. Maybe tomorrow I'll try. I watched the Knives Out commentary this morning but all that stuff is over with now. Instead of watching stuff, maybe I'll just write. Even if it's garbage, just write.

My bff gave me a tip to fold up a kleenex and put it under my new mask at the top by my glasses to keep them from fogging up and it really helped! It was important today because it was cold and rainy on my walk. There was hardly anybody else out when I was out today, it was nice.

I pass by this cone every day on my walk. I like it because the grass is growing out of it. It usually looks more comical and less creepy than it does today. Maybe because it's usually sunnier out. Maybe because the pipe next to it looks like Pennywise the Clown is going to show up in a minute and ask me if I want a balloon. It's honestly not usually this creepy-looking around here. It's just the weather today!

Today's movie was actually really good.
Once again, Diane Keaton has impressed me. She and Morgan Freeman make the best married couple. This is a great story, of an older couple deciding they need to move, and remembering their past. They have a dog who ends up having some health issues that spur them on. Even though it's all pretend, if seeing and hearing an animal in distress is something that upsets you, go into this knowing there is some of that in this movie. But I really liked this one. Highly recommend it.

Leftovers for dinner tonight. No food plans yet for the rest of the week though I might start focusing on my cookbook meal I want to work on. I think my plantains are getting ripe enough...

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