Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Monday, May 4, 2020

STFAH: Day 43

Today was a pretty good day, in spite of a sore neck which led to a headache and some nausea. I need to switch back to my old pillow because I'm just not adjusting to my new pillow. It's been over two months, I should have adjusted to it by now. I did manage to go to bed at 11pm last night and I turned off the light before midnight, which is a record for me these days! It's still going to take some work before I'm back under control.

Today my coworker texted me a picture of the Harry Potter calendar from my office. She must have had to go in to scan photos, but it gave me a sense of hope that there will be enough work one day for me to come back, and also a sense of jealousy that she got to do some work today!! Sigh, one day, one day...

I took out the garbage, compost, and recycling today and somebody had put a plastic bag with a metal twisty tie for compost. I was compelled to tear the bag open and dump out the compost. That would ruin the entire batch if it went through that way. I can't let that happen if I had the chance to fix it. Then I had to carry the dirty bag to the garbage and throw it away. But then I noticed somebody had dumped a bunch of magazines by the recycling, but not in it, so I sifted through them and found a bunch of food magazines with recipes to go through! They're currently sitting in three day quarantine before I'll go through them. I washed up very well when I got back from that little adventure!

I also got a bunch of last minute Safeway Monopoly tickets from my mom and the ones from the store to go through. The ticket part ends tomorrow, but the coupons that go with them go through most of this month. I have one last day to maybe win something...!

I only wrote a few sentences today, but I wrote, and that's what matters.

Tonight's dinner was a delicious traditional pork chop dinner. It was the first time I used the electric skillet at the new place. It turned out great. Leftovers tomorrow.

Today's Alphabet Movie letter was U, and my choices were limited. I ended up with a movie from 2013 called Under the Skin.
It was sort of an artsy-fartsy movie that made me say, "What the hell?" pretty much the entire time. There's not a huge plot, not much actually happening, a lot of quiet screen time, and then it all just sort of ends. Lots of nudity, if that's an issue for you. Not for kids. Really not my thing, but I'm reaching the dregs of the alphabet so beggars can't really be choosers!

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