Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Monday, May 11, 2020

STFAH: Day 50

Today was a nice day. I did my new usual routine with a few good things thrown in.

I finished the last of my vanilla black tea teabags today. This was a bottle I'd brought home from work the day I ran downtown after moving to bring home anything edible from work since I didn't know when I'd be returning. It's my favorite tea but it's in teabags made of microplastic, so I have to cut them open and pour it into a tea steeper to be a little healthier. I have another bottle, but I don't know that I'll keep buying this kind when I use it up because of the extra work it takes. There are a lot of other options out there.

I had a great online chat with one of my friends(thanks for talking, Heather!) and got my antiracism book in the mail today so I can start reading it tomorrow. I went out on a walk today because my foot is getting better. I used up some wilty produce to turn into a pasta sauce for dinner tonight and leftovers tomorrow. Filled and ran the dishwasher and took out garbage and recycling. I had to bring the compost back in cuz some jerkface decided that mattresses are recyclable and dumped them in front of the recycle bins, thus blocking the compost container. So, back that came. Hopefully they'll get rid of the mattresses soon so we can use the compost bin again!

I ordered a book from Mahoganybooks.com last week. They're in Washington, DC, and the largest Black-owned bookstore in the country.
I heard about this book last week and looked into it and decided that bypassing Amazon and supporting a Black-owned business instead was a better way to use my money. It arrived in record time and they emailed me a coupon for another purchase, so I'll definitely keep using this store for my antiracism work.

My walking is getting better each day and this week I'm finally going to attempt daily walks. I decided that I'll take one picture a day on my walk and put it here to remember the walk. Here's today's picture:
This is the amazing front yard at the start of my walk and I have a deep love of palm trees. Palm trees are part of my soul, I think, and I have always been drawn to them. This was a good first picture because I look at this yard and it makes me smile.

Today's Alphabet Movie letter was Y, and I watched the 2005 remake of Yours, Mine, and Ours.
I thought this was the one with Steve Martin, but it turns out that was the remake of Cheaper By the Dozen. I am a huge fan of the original Yours, Mine, and Ours, with Lucille Ball, and never felt compelled to watch this one. It's cute, not anything terribly offensive as far as remakes goes, but I will always prefer the original. I do like that they came up with a way to make the story more multicultural, so I did appreciate that. It's a cute family movie, so if you're looking for a movie for family night with the kids, this is a good option. Tomorrow is Z, the last day! I'm sad this is coming to an end and I'll keep up with the new movies for sure, but it might not be alphabetical. Some of the letters are just too hard to find a movie to watch. We'll see though...

Tonight we're finishing out our Psych rewatch and I'm honestly really sad. It's such a good show and it has helped keep my spirits up during this time. We're planning on moving onto a Charmed(original) rewatch next, which is another all-time fave of mine, so that'll be nice.

And now it's raining and has cooled off a lot! If it's raining tomorrow still, I'll walk with my umbrella. It'll be great!

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