Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

STFAH: Day 51

Today we got word of our building's annual fire alarm testing on Thursday which is never a fun thing. I've never actually been home for it before so I've never had to endure it before. My sister kindly offered to let me come to her work to stay in an empty room for the day, and even though the idea of spending a full day away from home right now actually makes me feel panicky, and it's been over 2.5 months since I've had a full day out of the house doing anything and I won't have a tv available, and my eating habits have changed a lot since I was working, it's going to be worth it to not have to endure a day of shrieking alarms.

I started the first part of the day with my usual routine of Youtube videos, Black Lighting episodes on Netflix, but then I changed it a bit by watching the governor's press conference. I like to stay informed whenever I can, so when I see there's one coming up, I try to make time to watch it. During this time I did lunch, in which I made quite possibly the best toasted cheese sandwich I've ever had. Sourdough toast, turkey slices, and a shredded cheddar blend and for once I managed to not burn it. Our new stove runs hot, so I have to keep it really low or it'll burn. I finally got the hang of it. It was quite delightful and I'm going to make another one tomorrow.

My Alphabet Movie project officially ended today with my Z movie. I didn't have many choices, and really wasn't sure about the one I chose, based on the title.
But then I saw that this movie, from 2008, was written and directed by Kevin Smith, so I had to try it out. This movie is so hysterical! It's so wrong, it's absolutely not for kids, do not watch it with your family, there is nudity and sex and lots of bad language, so consider that fair warning if you're contemplating watching it. But it's sooo Kevin Smith, and I love his stuff. It was a fun way to end this series, though I'm going to continue to watch new movies. I was thinking I might try numbers. We'll see if I can find anything good with numbers in the titles.

I ordered a second set of spices from Market Spice at the Pike Place Market a couple weeks ago. I decided that since I usually buy spices in bulk, which I can't do anymore due to the pandemic, I'd rather spend more money supporting a small local business, rather than more money on musty spices where the cost really goes towards the bottle. The first time I ordered from them, I got stuff I'd never had before. This time I got stuff to refill spices I already have but am running low on. I also got a great deal on their cookbook that was half-off. There are several recipes I can make now with the recipes I have on hand. I'm really excited to try them out!
This brings me to an idea I had last night. No promises, but I had an idea on another food blog project. One recipe from each of my cookbooks. Test it, eat it, promote the cookbook. I think it sounds fun, and this would actually be a good time for a project like this, but I do have to be careful with expenses and access to stores and ingredients and availability, etc. It warrants some thought and planning, but this could be a fun one...

I went out on a walk again today and my foot is still doing really well. It starts to cramp up towards the end though. Not the base of my big toe, which was where most of the injury was, but the base of the middle toes. It goes away almost immediately once I get back and take my shoes off, so that's good. I've started walking down the three stairs out of the front door to the cement, but not up them afterwards. I have to be careful with my knees still, and probably always will, but I would like to get to the point where I could walk up and down a few stairs when I need to. Here is today's walk picture:
This really doesn't do it justice if you see it in person. In the sun, it's even more stunning, and the red flowers in the right hand corner have started to fade just from last week, so I wanted to get this shot before any of them fade any more. Flowers are so fleeting in their beauty this time of year. There are a lot of shots I want to get over the days, but I might focus on flowers for a while just because I know they won't last long this time of year.

Tonight was leftovers, but I finally managed to make the applesauce muffins I have been putting off for a week. They are very tasty! The applesauce just sort of disappears into the muffin, but it's got a great texture. It has cooled off enough around here that we could use the oven again so I felt it was an ok time to make the muffins. It was worth the time and effort!

Well, we finished out Psych last night, and I cannot recommend it highly enough, especially during a pandemic. Laughing from start to finish through eight seasons of shenanigans. Now that we've finished the MCU rewatch, on the weekends, we're going to start with Twin Peaks since it's been a couple years since we last watched. But that show is too creepy to watch at night, so during the week we'll be doing a Charmed rewatch. It's on Netflix, so we're just watching through that, even though we own it all on dvd. Sadly, the song during the opening credits isn't on this version. They use the music from the final season after they lost the rights to the song. It really adds to the flavor of the show, but I don't feel like digging up the dvds when I can just watch it on Netflix. I will never not love this show...

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