Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Friday, May 8, 2020

STFAH: Day 47

Today was a pretty good day. Not terribly productive, but I did manage to test a new recipe that turned out to be amazing! I also tried the peach-flavored Safeway Soleil sparkling water and it's not too shabby! They come up with the best flavors and they're totally affordable cuz it's the store brand.

I didn't do any writing today, but I did attempt to make an origami cat but won't show take a picture of it cuz it looks like a squished cat. Part of the problem, besides the fact that this skill clearly takes time and practice to master, is that the paper I bought is smaller than most of the stuff I'm finding online, so it's more difficult to make it work right. I keep thinking that if there was an origami version of Nailed It! I would totally win that show...

I took out a batch of garbage/compost/recycling, and paid my credit card bill online, so I guess those count as achievements for the day. I used up the russet potatoes that were getting wrinkled, yet strangely, not sprouting. I found a recipe in my collection that I've had forever and yet never tried. It turned out to be amazing! Potato slices with melted butter, sauteed grated onions, salt, pepper, and thyme baked in the oven and then topped with cheese is a simple, yet freaking delicious dish! Easy to make and a definite keeper recipe for sure.

Tonight, we're watching Psych, the Musical. I've been a Psych fan forever, but somehow never saw this episode and it's not included on the regular dvds, so we special ordered it. It's glorious.

Today's Alphabet Movie letter was X, and you may be shocked to find out that there are not many options out there for movies that begin with X that I have somehow not already seen. Tragically, Xanadu is not available on Netflix, so that wasn't an option. I ended up with a movie from 2015 called X, Past is Present.
This is another subtitled movie out of India, but half of it is in English. This was a confusing movie, but an interesting concept. Basically, a bunch of vignettes told in a the form of one narrative. I don't know that I'd watch this one again. There was a loud, shrill sound that they used to portray flashbacks that was really hard on my ears. If that kind of noise is an issue for you, definitely skip this one. Also, TW: rape. If that's an issue, definitely skip this one.

Next week I have y and z for movies, which means by Wednesday, I'll be done with my movie series! What to do then? I might just keep going and focus on movies I haven't seen, regardless of title. I love having a set of time during the day where I'm focused on a story I haven't seen. In a time where stimulus is hard to come by, finding new stories is important. I also finished watching When Calls the Heart on Netflix last night and the new seasons, while available on On Demand, aren't all free and I won't pay for them so it'll have to wait till they get added to Netflix. That also means I have an opening for that show too. I'm tempted to do a Once Upon a Time rewatch, but we'll see.

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