Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Today I Went to Work: June 18, 2020

Today I managed to go to the office just fine and we worked till around 1:30pm. I am sooooo exhausted now. I needed about an hour more sleep last night but I'm also physically drained too. I just need to keep working on my sleep. While at the office, I picked up a work laptop all set up for me to remote in at home so I can work from home. I tested it tonight and it works so as of tomorrow, I will be taking my job back so my coworkers don't have to juggle it along with their own!

I'm excited to "earn my keep" again but also be in a better position to work on house/life/health/work balance. Less commuting each week will hopefully motivate me to sleep sooner at night because I don't feel like I need to make up for almost 2 hours each day of commute time by staying up late. I can get household stuff done and on my lunch hour I can do my outdoor walk. I can use the treadmill. I can edit my book. There's just so much stuff I can do now while straddling work. Hopefully it'll work out great cuz we're talking about keeping it permanent even when the pandemic ends. Go into the office as-needed, 2(ish) times a week, get stuff ready for mailing and printing things that need to be printed. I might be able to not get a bus pass each month but put cash on my card so I don't spend as much on bus fare each month, once they start charging again. And then on weekends, it makes me more adventurous and likely to get out of the house for fun times!

But for now, I'm going to sleep, hopefully very well tonight. I tried putting a pillow under my legs and noticed it really helped realign my neck and back. That's easy enough to do, so I see no reason to stop doing that. My new pillow is on the way. Hopefully the tennis balls are too. My back got overworked at work today and where it had been hurting earlier, it was almost numb. I had to stretch it out to get it to bounce back to normal.

I need to start carrying a sturdier bag when I go into the office because I'm going to start taking more stuff home from work since I'll be here more and more. Tea, food, etc. I haven't decided about decorations yet. It would just sit in a bag at home gathering dust, so I guess I should keep it there to look at on the days I'm in the office. But this is going to really make me rethink how I do food and meals now that I don't have to account for a commute and less stress of just not being in the office. I'll have to experiment for a while I guess.

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