Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Monday, June 8, 2020

STFAH: June 8, 2020

Today felt like I had an actual day. I accomplished some stuff, which was really nice. I started my day with The Golden Girls, and then I sat and did the first day's reading of Me and White Supremacy, and answered the questions at the end of the section. Then I put together our new vacuum, used it, and it's awesome! It's lightweight and easy to use, and doesn't blow dust all over the place! I cleaned my bathroom, the kitchen, and took out the compost, garbage, and recycling. Washed the by-hand dishes. I emailed my doctor about getting some small amounts of meds to cover the time when I run out and when I actually get to see her for my annual checkup to get the annual refills. I don't want to lapse on my meds! I was able to cross off my entire to-do list today!

I was craving tuna sandwiches, so I made tuna for the first time since moving and it was delicious! I pulled up Tom Hiddleston's Coriolanus on youtube on the tv and watched it as my movie today. As with most Shakespeare stuff, I only half understood it, but I'm not familiar with the play prior to this, so that doesn't help either. But there's a zoom-watch special that goes with it so I might watch it to see if I can glean anything from it besides just enjoying watching Tom Hiddleston...!

After the play ended, I did my walk and took more pictures of signs people are putting up around the neighborhood in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. I love all of them and this neighborhood!

The last one, unless I was looking in the wrong place, was gone by the time I turned around to come back. Nobody out there on my walk looked like the type of jerkface who would rip down a sign, and all the other ones were still fine. However, you will note how not-well tape it is, and it got suuuuuper windy on the walk back. So, it's entirely possible it got blown away in the wind. I'll go with that because it makes me feel better.

Dinner tonight was a traditional pork chop meal and since I was silly and only thawed out two pork chops, we'll have to have something else to go with the leftover potatoes and gravy for tomorrow's dinner. I am going to work tomorrow so it's nice to have most of my dinner ready to go whenever I get home from work. I have no idea how long a day I'll have there, but it'll still be nice. I'm not allowed to go to the Pike Place Market this time. I will spend all my money there if I go too often! Besides, I still need to practice social distancing as much as possible, so maybe once a month for the market is ok.

Charmed reruns tonight. Doing a load of dishes. Nice cool breeze coming into the apartment tonight, feels like it wants to rain...

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