Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

STFAH: June 20, 2020

Pillow update: I tried my new pillow last night and of course it needs more time to be sure, but I think it might be the one. My neck and arms were well positioned and my head felt like it was floating with a few points in the pillow actually supporting it. I got over 8 hours of sleep last night and have no back pain today. Relief, at last!

We started the day with a trip to Grocery Outlet and Fred Meyer and got some great stuff to look forward to. I needed more fruit and veggies, so that's been taken care of till next weekend when it'll be the real shopping trip.

My parents came by after that to help my sister with her chair. It needed some readjusting after the move and she was getting it set up for her new computer. I wasn't able to help, but my dad did!

An afternoon of Charmed reruns ensued, followed by a brief walk to our local teriyaki shop to pick up dinner. I have leftovers for a few days to come now! I'm thawing out a pork roast to make for tomorrow's dinner, complete with homemade mashed potatoes and gravy. It'll be nice to have leftovers to come home to on Monday when I go into the office.

My sister and I are planning a Stranger Things marathon for 4th of July again like last year when season 3 premiered, so we need to start the other two seasons soon to make sure we're ready by the 4th cuz that's actually only a couple(ish) weeks out now!! Where is the time going? Isn't it still March???!!!

I spent a significant chunk of time this afternoon and evening looking for new chairs for my desk and a lounge chair for my bedroom in hopes of continuing to improve my back health. My desk chair has been problematic since I got it and I knew it wasn't the one for me. The one I settled on has a better back support and a head rest which is super important for my neck. It also reclines so when I'm wanting to relax more in the evening, this may allow me to. I'll make sure to take pictures and write about it when it shows up.

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