Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Friday, June 5, 2020

STFAH: Or Did I?

Today I went to work! I worked from about 9am to about 2pm when we ran out of stuff to do. My brain is mush and I am exhausted!

The bus to work ended up just fine. I rode the 522 for the first time and it was spacious and empty enough to feel safe. I wore an N95 mask, cotton gloves, and my jacket with the hood up. I bought replacement bags that are washable for the stuff that would normally go in my backpack, but since that's not easily washable, I don't want to use it on the bus during the pandemic. The bus is new for me since moving to a new neighborhood and drops me off way closer to my work. I have a bit more of a walk from the apartment to the bus stop here, but that's ok.

The first part of the morning was spent catching up with my coworkers. It was the middle of March since I'd seen either of them. I ate my usual work breakfast of overnight oats with walnuts, very exciting. I remembered how to do stuff pretty quickly. The hard part was relearning what I only half learned for the other position. I'm going to definitely need more practice and to study my notes more.

After I left work, it was still early enough and the buses were still running, so I overshot the bus stops and walked to the Pike Place Market to pick up some delicious things from Mee Sum Pastry and Le Panier, which are both on the outer part of the market so I didn't have to go inside. Everything at both of those places is so amazing! I have stuff to eat tomorrow too.

I took a couple pictures for my pictures of the day.

There was a lot of artwork supporting George Floyd and Black Lives Matter. It was really nice to see.

I got on a 41 to go home, and it ended up being the wrong choice. I should have just overshot it and gone to the 522 bus stop. It had a lot more people, people without masks and ignoring the seats that were taped off to allow for better social distancing. And then the bus driver couldn't find the freeway entrance to get onto I5, so she ended up driving the surface streets through East Lake and all the way to 45th in the U District before she could get on!! It added at least 20 minutes to the bus ride. I finally got home and I was so hot from being so bundled up for so long.

I ate a few of the goodies I'd bought when I got home but the first thing I did before relaxing was take a shower!! Then we got Red Robin for dinner and tried the fish and chips for the first time. It's actually really good! And I got this strawberry lime sparkly drink and it was so delish!

I am really tired, and my brain feels like mush. If you're like me and you've been not working for most or all of this pandemic, be gentle on yourself when you start going back to work. You won't be at the same level when you left. It will take a bit to get back to "normal." We're living in heightened stress while simultaneously not having to use our minds a lot at this time. It's a strange combination. Don't be too hard on yourself if you're really tired for a while.

I did miss watching The Golden Girls this morning...The soonest I might go into the office would be Tuesday, so I'll get to watch on Monday at least...

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