Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

STFAH: June 17, 2020

So, last night I slept even better and even had a dream! I think that's a good, healthy sign. I was hungry today and since one of the things I'm trying to do is establish a normal routine, I ate breakfast. Typically I haven't had much of an appetite till about 1pm, so I haven't forced myself to eat. But that's really not normal for me on work days so I'm going to force it. It doesn't have to be as heavy as the overnight oats I eat on weekdays, but a bowl of cereal should do. I was even hungry for a snack before lunch so I had some cherries, yogurt, and crackers. My appetite has definitely returned, which is another good sign.

Today I made a choice to experiment by keeping the Hallmark channel on all day. It wasn't too bad. During this week of mental-health-realignment, as I'm calling it, I thought that would be a good choice for low-stress tv enjoyment. I did my stretches and a few chores like taking out garbage/recycling, which took two trips, and my sister wanted me to do a couple chores for her which were simple but still gave me something I had to do as an obligation. I told her that was actually really helpful and she should keep thinking of stuff like that for me to help her with. Since I'm home more, it makes sense that I should do more of the domestic stuff.

I worked from home for the first time this afternoon. It's definitely a learning curve, but my boss is shadowing me the whole time so he's able to make sure I'm doing stuff the right way. It was slow at first but picked up about halfway through and then time just flew by. That was really nice! It'll be nice again, to have something I'm committed to for part of the day. It started off with what I think was a visual migraine. No real pain, but tenderness, light sensitivity, and seeing sparkling lights around the edges of my eyes. I took some of the tylenol with caffeine which always seems to work, and it went away after about 15 minutes. It was freaky. But it turns out stress can trigger migraines, so I'm not shocked that I'm having residual issues.

Other stuff I did today were things I've been putting off cuz I just didn't feel like it. I cleaned off the counter that separates the kitchen from the living room, and put up the rest of the magnets on the freezer that have been sitting on the top since we moved in. Little things, but it gets me off my feet for a while.

I ordered a set of tennis balls for my back, and a new pillow to try out for my neck/back. It looks like the kind I used to have good luck with, but it's a different brand. It wasn't too expensive, under $30, so not too bad.

I'm going to try to go into the office tomorrow, and hopefully it'll work out ok.

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