Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Today I Went to Work: July 21, 2020

Two days in a row! And once again I was there till closing time. I am not used to having to work in the office so much anymore. I was able to catch up with nearly everything, and had a ton of mail to go out today. Of course I missed the pick up time so it'll all go out tomorrow, but it's done, and that's what matters!

I did take a lunch break, but there was just too much to do to do proper breaks. And I wore a mask the entire time except when eating/drinking, even when I was the only one there cuz my sister researched it and apparently AC in buildings can really spread coronavirus, so I decided to be extra careful even though it made it hotter.

We had a problem creep up last night, a leak from my tub, and I was told not to use the shower till they could get it fixed. Luckily they fixed it today and it apparently wasn't the problem they anticipated so it was an easy fix. No leaking tonight after my shower, so hopefully it's resolved!

I work from home tomorrow and I hope to get some unpacking/organizing done in the den. A lot of the rest of unpacking hinges on that. My sister got our Disney shrine complete, and I added a few final items after I got home today. I want to wait till the place is really up and running to take pictures to share.

Dinner tonight was frozen pizza that I baked in the little oven so it didn't heat up the place. That oven is quite possibly the best purchase I have ever made in my entire life. It uses less energy than the regular oven, and doesn't heat up the place. It's not ideal for all the stuff one needs an oven for. I'd never use it to bake pastries or bread, but for a roast chicken or a frozen pizza, it's wonderful!

It's still pretty warm today, but it's definitely not as bad as it was yesterday. It wasn't too bad when I went to bed last night, but I didn't fall asleep till later than I wanted. It was one of those "too tired to sleep" times. Hopefully I'll be just tired enough to sleep tonight!

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