Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

STFAH: July 7, 2020

Today was a busy day working from home. There was a solid 2 hour start of the day working on transcripts. I was actually surprised at how much came in since last night. There's a lot to be done and a lot of exhibits to deal with, and my coworker has to come downtown tomorrow so I decided I'd come into the office so she can help me with stuff. There was some drama with my laptop and one of the websites I was trying to use, so we're gonna look into it and see what's going on.

I feel like I'm putting too much pressure on myself to be perfect at my job and then I'm constantly disappointed, and assuming that my work is disappointed too, when I make a mistake. I have to remember I'd only been there about a year when the pandemic hit and then I was not working for over 2.5 months and under stress that whole time. And now I have to relearn my job, much of which has changed because we're working from home. I have to learn to work from home. And now I'm also learning not one, but two other job's worth of functions. I am probably being too hard on myself and expecting too much, too soon, but this seems to be how I always am with myself. I expect perfection and feel worthless when I don't attain it. It's probably not healthy...

I got my blood test results, or some of them, back today. Some came last week but I didn't care about those. It was my cholesterol numbers I've been anxiously awaiting. Last October, I had my numbers tested and came back with an astounding 426 for my triglycerides, which basically means I was bleeding butter. I knew it was most likely not accurate, because we had just finally gotten my thyroid numbers back under control after being in flux for nearly two years while we adjusted my meds. Thyroid function affects cholesterol/triglycerides, so I wanted my thyroid meds to have more time to regulate that before I did anything about the triglycerides. I was going to do diet/exercise and I did for a while, but then the move and the pandemic and sprained ankle hit and that was out the window so I just hoped for the best. As of last Thursday, my triglycerides are down to 219. It's still too high, but it's less than half it was in October, so I will take that and work with diet and exercise to keep lowering it naturally. I was happy that it had come down so much in that time frame without really actually doing anything for it.

On my lunch break today I walked to the German bakery nearby and bought pretzels and a raspberry dessert for tonight. It wasn't until I got home that I remembered today was supposed to be the "buy nothing day". Oops, at least it was a small business. I just had to get out of the house and I've been wanting to go there but too afraid to so far, but they keep their doors open and everybody has a mask on, so it's not too bad. And on my break and the rest of my lunch, I read Roots some more. It's such a good book. I know it'll be upsetting, but it's a really well-written story, and I appreciate that more now as an adult reading it.

Still working down food from the freezer and fridge. Got rid of some phyllo dough I'd had for longer than I realized cuz the expiration date was 2016...!! Spaghetti and garlic bread tomorrow night.

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