Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

STFAH: Day 9

Today started with me sleeping in till after 10am, and it felt wonderful! The plan was to do a full day of Father Brown on Netflix because they said it was leaving after today, but tragically, they had taken it down already, so we lost out on the chance to get more caught up. Not gonna lie, I feel a bit lied to. "Ends March 31st" generally means at the end of the day on March 31st, not the beginning of the day. Sigh, oh well, we'll have to get it from the library when they're open again.
Farewell, for now, Kembleford, and all the quaint and quirky inhabitants. I will see you again!

Plan B was Supernatural. We finished season 13 and have started season 14 instead. Since they only have through this season on Netflix available, and season 15's end has been delayed cuz of coronavirus, I'm going to have to wait for some time to watch the last season. I need to start thinking about what to watch next. A rewatch maybe? Lost? Buffy? Charmed? ER? A brand new show? If so, which?

Did a few chores today. My foot felt good enough for me to gather the compost and recycling and take it out. Each day it's little better, but still not enough to go for a walk. My sister got a new shelf and cleared out one of her old ones that we moved to my room. There was just enough space to put it in my room and I was able to empty out the last container of books which have been sitting on my floor. It looks so much better now! I finished my scanning today and continued to organize my desk. There's still work to be done there, but I've made a lot of progress. Once I can move the scanner and its stand away from my desk I'll be able to get everything set up the way I want it.

We had a nice hail/rain/thunderstorm this afternoon. It's been so cold recently, I'm not surprised. It got so dark this afternoon that I could tell something was on the way. It was fun to watch!

We thought about doing Takeout Tuesday, but decided that if we could be good and eat our own food all week, we'd get takeout on Friday after venturing to the store for the first time in two weeks. I have a sizable list going so far.

Leftovers, but with a chicken burger instead for the entree. Grape fruit roll-up for dessert.

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