Welcome to Silver and Shadow

"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This is a blog I will be using for topics other than food. Politics, religion, spirituality, humor, green living, anything that I want to talk about that doesn't fall under the food/cooking category.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Antiracism 101: So, You Just Found Out You're Racist-Day 1

 1-Prejudice vs. Racism

The first thing to understand, is that “racism” and “prejudice” are no longer one and the same. I know change is hard and irritating, and the idea that words can change meaning over time, especially without running it past you first, can be a real pain. But we have accepted the change in certain word meanings over the decades. We no longer use words like “gay” or “terrific” the way they were used originally. This is no different. And yes, I am asking you to ignore the dictionary’s definition of the word “racism.” The people who experience racism have corrected the definition. They are the only ones who should be defining what it is. 

“Prejudice” is a feeling word. Anybody can have anger or hate against another group of people, for whatever reason. All people have to deal with this issue, nobody is immune from it. Non-white people can be prejudiced against white people.

“Racism” is systemic. It is our government, education, health, policing, and judicial systems. These systems were set up in this country, and the western world, by white people, to benefit white people, at the detriment of all non-white people. white people benefit from racist systems, automatically, from birth, as did our ancestors, whether or not they were enslavers.

Many say that the concept of racism is “prejudice plus power.” Anybody can be prejudiced, but in this nation’s systems, only white people have the actual power. Racism is generally used interchangeably with the term “white supremacy,” which makes sense as that implies the power structure. Because it’s systemic, our individual feelings and actions don’t really matter. We don’t need to take it personally when our benefitting from a racist system is pointed out to us. Because it’s systemic, it must be worked on collectively. And because white people built this system to benefit only us, only we can dismantle it. It’s literally not personal, it’s just our business to get rid of it and rebuild a system, with everybody, to be equitable for all.

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